Toronto Sport Activity Comparables
In order to keep SPC sustainable and deliver high quality services it is essential for us to establish a contingency budget process and Fees Schedule that is in line with our expenses and allows us to deliver services that our members are genuinely interested in.
If you live in the GTA there are many options to choose when it comes to organized sports and activities. From yoga to spin classes, and everything in between; these activities are designed to deliver great physical health benefits as well as provide an important outlet for socializing and community engagement. Infrastructure and management requirements vary quite a bit for different activities, and as a result so does pricing.
Below is a table representing pricing of activities in the GTA.
1 hour sessions / per person
Volleyball ..................................... $12.81
Beach Volleyball ........................... $11.85
Soccer .......................................... $15.46
Dodgeball .................................... $13.68
Yoga ............................................ $17.00
Spinning ........................................ $19.00
Personal Training ......................... $40.00
More to come ............................... $00.00